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Rules No advertising or excessive promotion. No bots, unless they're cute, funny, or useful. Bots should avoid posting to the public timeline. No pornography. No gore or graphic violence. Content that is borderline NSFW or could be construed as NSFW at a glance should be put behind a CW (Content Warning). No racism. No sexism. No discrimination based on gender, sexual minority, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or national origin. No xenophobia, nationalism, casteism, or fascism; no sympathizing with or advocating for these things. No sexual depictions of children. No holocaust denialism, no Nazi symbolism, no promotion of National Socialism. No stalking or harassment. In general, if someone asks you to stop interacting with them, then stop. Stalking, harassment, hate speech, or doxing that is posted to other instances or on other social media platforms is still grounds for having your account terminated here. No posting (or threatening to post) other people's personally identifying information ("doxing"). No unwelcome sexual attention. No public or private oppressive language or actions. No promotion of conspiracy theories (eg anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-COVID). No unsolicited advice to strangers. No advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behaviour. No other unethical conduct. No scraping content from web interface or API. To protect the free speech of users belonging to marginalized groups, mastodon.technology does not federate with overtly fascist instances. Additionally, we will refuse to federate with instances that themselves choose to federate with fascist instances. Our list of blocked instances is publicly documented. Handling harassment If you are being harassed, please report the user using the "…" button and then "Report." For urgent concerns, please DM Ash. If you engage in harassing behavior, the moderator may take any action they deem appropriate, such as a warning or an expulsion. The above rules may change at any time, and you may be banned at any time based on the moderators' judgment. Privacy policy What will we do with your data? Nothing. How will you be influenced by advertisers? You won't. How will we aggregate your data in order to improve your service… none of that. We will never share your data with anyone else, except in the case of valid legal requests if it comes to that. (Hopefully it won't come to that!) Similarly, users and third parties are forbidden from scraping content from the instance's web interface or API; you are required to respect robots.txt files. More privacy measures on mastodon.technology: HTTPS is used everywhere thanks to Let's Encrypt. No ads or trackers. Links are direct URLs rather than tracking redirects. Understand though that this instance is run by Ash, and (as is the case with all Mastodon servers) he potentially have access to your data, including DMs. The back-end is also not encrypted. If this is not okay with you, this might not be the instance for you. Also, for truly private data sent between two people, Mastodon offers no E2E encryption. So use Signal for the things you really want to be private. Moderated servers Mastodon generally allows you to view content from and interact with users from any other server in the fediverse. These are the exceptions that have been made on this particular server.